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Pregnancy at 39 Weeks

You are probably feeling very uncomfortable by now and getting as much sleep, or as little, as if your baby had arrived. Your baby may also be feeling uncomfortable, squashed up with not much room to spare, and you may feel him trying to shift his position from time to time as he tries to stretch in the increasingly confined space available in your uterus.


Your baby's immune system continues to develop. Some of your antibodies will pass to your baby through the placenta.These will help to protect him against diseases and infections. This protection will only last a few weeks, but by breast-feeding you will boost this protection by providing him with your antibodies in the colostrum and breast milk.


Your baby's body will now be well rounded, with a healthy covering of fat. His skin is smooth, still with areas of vernix. His toenails have reached the end of his toes. The amount of hair he may have varies: he could be completely bald, have a few downy patches or have a full head of hair, although its colour may change during the first few months after he is born.


If your baby has developed a pattern of waking and sleeping, this may continue after he is born. If your baby has been active at a particular time of day, this may continue even after the birth. When you go to bed, play some calming music and talk to him gently - this can soothe him if he is unsettled at a particular time of day. Many women recognize their baby's 'playtime', often during the evening and anticipate this after the birth! You should still be getting plenty of movements (at least ten a day) but they will not feel quite so vigorous now as they did in earlier weeks.