Pregnancy Week 14, 14th Week Pregnancy, Pregnant at 14 Weeks

Pregnancy at 14 Weeks

Your baby is able to make facial expressions now and she will exercise her face muscles by frowning and pulling a variety of expressions. She weighs around 70 g and is the size of a pear, and would fit into the palm of your hand. Her face and body are far more defined than a few weeks ago - she is tiny and fragile, but very obviously a baby.

Development in 14th Week Pregnancy

Around this time your baby's thyroid gland starts to produce hormones. The external genitals are developing further and, in most cases, can be seen on an ultrasound scan. In girls, the ovaries descend into the pelvis and, in boys, the prostate gland appears. The skeleton is getting harder and becoming stronger and she even has tiny taste buds, which look like those of an adult but are not yet functioning.

Appearance in 14th Week Pregnancy

Your baby's neck is longer and her chin is now more defined, refining the shape of her head and face. Her eyes have become closer, although they will be sealed closed by the eyelids until 28 weeks of pregnancy. The bridge of her nose appears and her ears are higher on her head. Her face is now well developed and she even has very faint eyebrows appearing.

Movement in 14th Week Pregnancy

Your baby can easily move around in the amniotic fluid and has plenty of space to do so. She is strengthening and encouraging the development of her muscles by exercising them more and more. She is kicking and twisting, her fists can grasp and clench, and she can even put her thumb into her mouth. She has periods of being awake and asleep, although, at the moment, you will not be aware of this.

Doppler scanning

Your midwife or doctor can use an ultrasound device, called a Doppler, to listen to your baby's heartbeat. The heartbeat will be amplified so that you can hear it too. It will sound very fast and will be about 150 beats per minute at this stage. The Doppler works by bouncing sound waves off red blood cells, which shows how fast they are moving, and how fast the blood is flowing.This checks the baby's growth rate and how well the placenta is functioning.

My partner does not seem to be bonding with my unborn baby in the same way that I am. How can I encourage him to feel differently?
Bonding can be difficult for a partner because he is not the one experiencing the signs and symptoms of pregnancy and it is easier for him to feel removed from it. At this stage of pregnancy the bones in your baby's ears are hardening so you can encourage your partner to talk to your baby, while gently laying his head on your bump. In a few weeks he will be able to feel the baby move when he places a hand on your bump. Involve him as much as you can by encouraging him to come to your antenatal checks and ultrasound scans. When he sees the baby on the screen, or hears the baby's heartbeat, your pregnancy will probably seem more real to him.