Pregnancy Week 19, 19th Week Pregnancy, Pregnant at 19 Weeks

Pregnancy at 19 Weeks

Your baby is responding to sound, movement, touch and light by this time and is much more aware of the outside world than he was earlier in your pregnancy. If he hears a loud noise outside your body, especially if it is sudden, he may jump or move around vigorously in reaction to it, although you may not always be aware of these movements.

Development in 19th Week Pregnancy

Millions of cells are growing in your baby's brain, and nerves are now connecting the brain to the muscles, so that he has more control of his movements. He has the same number of nerve cells as an adult but the nerves have yet to receive a protective layer of myelin. His system of temperature regulation continues to develop, and small amounts of a substance called'brown fat'are being deposited around his neck, chest and groin. At this stage the placenta is fully formed and will continue to grow in size. It is almost the same size as your baby, who is moving around in just a cupful of amniotic fluid.

Appearance in 19th Week Pregnancy

Your baby's ears now stand out from the sides of his head, whereas previously they were flat. Permanent tooth buds are appearing behind the buds of his milk teeth. His skin is wrinkled and is covered in a waxy substance called vernix, which is secreted from the sebaceous glands and provides a waterproof coating, as well as giving him some protection from infection.

Movement in 19th Week Pregnancy

You may be aware of some movement, although some women do not notice anything until 22 weeks. Your baby is still relatively small so there may be days when you do not feel very much - the foot that kicks you is only around 2 cm long! He has far more control over his movements and is using his joints to kick and punch, making fists with his hands and curling his toes.

If you could see him, you would see his tongue when he opens his mouth and see the expressions on his face changing.


Your baby's life in the uterus is so noisy that he gets used to constant noise. After he is born he may be comforted by sounds such as running water, the vacuum cleaner or a hairdryer. Some parents record the sound of a washing machine to play at bedtime! As far back as the 5th century BC, Hippocrates told pregnant women to listen to beautiful music.