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Pregnancy at 35 Weeks

You do not have much longer to wait now. After all the preparations, labour and the birth will soon be a reality. However, even if your pregnancy was twice as long, you would still never feel completely prepared for labour and your role as a mother. The years ahead will be a learning curve, with the first few months presenting the greatest challenge as you get to grips with all that needs doing.

Development in 35th Week Pregnancy

Although your baby is still growing in length, his rate of growth has slowed down. He is becoming plumper, laying down fat cells, mostly around his shoulders. All his organs are fully mature, apart from the lungs. These final weeks are very important as far as his lungs are concerned. Their development needs to be complete so that he can breathe without assistance.

Appearance in 35th Week Pregnancy

Your baby looks very much like the one that you will soon meet. His skin is smooth, with a few dimples, and by now he may even have a good head of hair! Dark-skinned babies normally have more hair than light-skinned ones, and it can reach up to 4 cm. He will still be covered in vernix, although some of it will have been shed into the amniotic fluid.

Movement in 35th Week Pregnancy

He is reacting now, with movements and facial expressions, in a similar way as he will when he is born. Your baby will frequently respond to sounds. You will feel him 'jump'at a loud noise, or move when he recognizes a piece of music or your voice. He can hear sounds outside of the uterus at about half the volume that you can.

I sometimes notice my bump tightening. Does this mean I'll go into labour early?
What you're describing are Braxton Hicks tightenings. These mild, irregular tightenings have, in fact, been there throughout your pregnancy but you just haven't been able to feel them until now. Braxton Hicks tightenings get more frequent and intense towards die end of pregnancy, and some women notice them from about week 25. They are in fact practice tightenings, getting your uterus ready for labour. Unlike the contractions diat happen in labour, they are not painful and are irregular.