Pregnancy Week 22, 22nd Week Pregnancy, Pregnant at 22 Weeks

Pregnancy at 22 Weeks

Your baby is now the length of a large banana and would be too big to hold in the palm of one hand. By feeling (palpating) your abdomen, your midwife can now work out her position. However, there is plenty of time for this to change, and it may do so frequently. Knowing which position she is in can help you to visualize how she looks inside your uterus.

Development in 22nd Week Pregnancy

Your baby's sense of touch is maturing, and she will frequently stroke her face and suck her thumb. She is learning that she can move her limbs and make them touch each other. She can 'play' at crossing and uncrossing her legs, reaching out and bending her head to touch her hand. She is developing an awareness of herself and how the parts of her body are related and will use her hands to grasp other parts of her body.

Twins have been seen on ultrasound scans reaching out, touching and responding to each other.

Appearance in 22nd Week Pregnancy

Your baby's skin looks too loose for her, like that of a newborn puppy, because there is only very little fat underneath it. Her fingernails and toenails are growing and the lines and creases on the palms of her hands are becoming obvious.

Movement in 22nd Week Pregnancy

By now you will be aware of your baby's movements, especially when she'startles'in response to a loud noise. Even at this stage she will jump or kick if she hears the crash of a dustbin lid or loud music! Do not worry if she has a quiet day and does not seem to move very much. She is still only small and she may be awake while you are asleep. Your baby will be awake and asleep as much now as when she is born at full term. However, by 28 weeks of pregnancy you should feel her moving at least ten times a day. If you have any worries about your baby's movement, get in touch with your midwife.

Did you know?
Of the average weight gain in pregnancy, 38 per cent is the weight of the baby. The rest is made up of the placenta, fluid and blood, and the increased weight of the breasts and uterus.

I am 22 -weeks pregnant and am worried about getting chickenpox as a couple of my friends' children have it at the moment. Is there anything I can do to avoid it? Can it damage my unborn baby?
Most adults are immune to chickenpox, but if you cannot remember whether or not you had it as a child you can have your blood tested for antibodies. Developing chickenpox during pregnancy is rare, but it could affect a baby's development if the virus was contracted before 20 weeks or after 36 weeks of pregnancy. If you develop chickenpox, your baby could contract the virus (varicella infection of the newborn). If you think that you have contracted chickenpox during your pregnancy, you can be given an injection of immunoglobulin containing chickenpox antibodies, which will lessen the effect on your baby.